Planning & Paying For
With Confidence and Ease!

The number one reason of failure for chiropractic practices is
lack of cash flow, so that makes capitalization most critical. How you
keep your chiropractic business capitalized is a question of survival. A
lack of cash flow is simply, devastating. Unexpected practice expenses,
emergency funds, money for new equipment, office improvements or
changes, expansion projects, hiring or training new team members,
can all contribute to financial pressure. If you add the stress of student
loans or business loans to this equation, then the drain on your cash
flow continues to spiral downward. These issues need not necessitate
the forced sale of assets at bargain prices to accomplish cash flow. If
you could see a way to:
– Destroy student or business loans faster than you ever
thought possible.
– Recoup the interest being paid to banks or other financial
– Grow wealth safely, predictably without taking unnecessary

PWG (Peacock Wealth Group) has some impressive 2019 numbers.
Our clients saved $297,241 in interest payments going to other people that we can recoup for their personal cash flow.
At the same time, we increased their retirement accounts by an amazing $7.37 Million.
A couple questions we ask people.
How would saving the interest you pay to others look in your monthly budget?
Are you 100% sure about your retirement or do you have some doubt?
The Infinite Banking Strategy
For Financial Management
My goal is to coach you in a true, time-tested strategy to:
• Grow wealth even in a down or crashed market.
• Gain control of your wealth (accessible).
• Preserve your wealth, even in low interest environments.
• Reduce taxes to legal minimums.
• Eliminate brokerage fees.
• Recoup interest you currently pay others.
I fully intend to challenge most every traditional, conventional strategy you’ve ever been taught about money, and give you a plan to WIN!

Peacock Wealth Group shows you how to take control of your own cash flows, preserve your wealth, reduce taxes to minimums, and recoup the interest you currently pay to others. We use time-tested strategies to grow wealth safely and predictably for generations to come. We challenge the status-quo so you can win financially.

Get in touch
I know that finding the right financial advice is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why I offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

Meet Doug Peacock
As a lifelong football coach and educator, Doug has helped thousands of families win the personal cash-flow game. The game plan recaptures the thousands of dollars paid to banks and other lending institutions to grow wealth safely and predictably in a tax-favored environment into your personal financing system. Doug is especially effective with student loans and destroys them quicker than you ever thought possible. […]
People often struggle with excess debt and taxes. We (at PWG) create a personalized get out of debt game plan while at the same time, building your wealth, safely and predictably. This allows our clients to live the lifestyle they’ve dreamed of with total peace of mind.

Our Mission
Educational Workshops
Gain Financial Intelligence. Attend an educational workshop.
Services Offered
Peacock Wealth Group specializes in these Financial & Insurance products.
We’d love to hear from you!
Peacock Wealth Group shows you how to take control of your own cash flows, preserve your wealth, reduce taxes to minimums, and recoup the interest you currently pay to others. We use time-tested strategies to grow wealth safely and predictably for generations to come. We challenge the status-quo so you can win financially.

Please give us your contact information and we’ll be happy to reach out to you.
Ask us any questions you may have, and we’ll be sure to help answer them.
Phone (317) 697-6321
Your Wealth Must Reside Somewhere!
Your wealth must reside somewhere! It must have a permanent place of residence. You must own, control, and have use your money, or you haven’t built any wealth, you just stashed some money away. About 90 % of Americans keep their wealth in either taxable, unavailable, and/or volatile residences that limit what you can do with their money. If what you thought was true about your money, wasn’t true about your money, when would you want to know? I first heard this question from Don Blanton, a fine southern gentleman with a distinct southern Georgia drawl, and I’ve been unable to “unhear” it, since.