About Us
Peacock Wealth Group
At Peacock Wealth Group we focus on a personalized game plan to reduce your debt and taxes, recoup the interest you are currently paying others, and build your wealth safely and predictably. In order to do that we will show you how to capture uninterrupted tax-exempt compound interest and still keep control and accessibility of that money.
The problem is, you are being held back by debt that prohibits you from having the lifestyle you’ve dreamt of. This leaves you feeling vulnerable, anxious, and maybe even hopeless. You work hard for your money. You deserve to build wealth while reducing your debt for peace of mind.
We understand how it feels to have too month at the end of the money. We’ve been overwhelmed by bills due which is why we are committed to coaching people, just like you, to get out of debt and build wealth at the same time. Here is how we do it.
- Learn where you are today financially.
- Implement your specifically designed game plan.
- Celebrate each debt you get rid of while building your wealth.
So, schedule a meeting today, if you want to see what we can do for you. See how using your money in more than one place at the same time can destroy your debt faster than you ever thought possible, build your wealth safely & predictably, and have the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of. Schedule your educational appointment today.
Email Address Coach.Doug.Peacock@Gmail.com
Contact Number: (317) 697-6321
Schedule Your Appointment with
Doug Peacock

Meet Doug Peacock
Phone (317) 697-6321
Your Wealth Must Reside Somewhere!
Your wealth must reside somewhere! It must have a permanent place of residence. You must own, control, and have use your money, or you haven’t built any wealth, you just stashed some money away. About 90 % of Americans keep their wealth in either taxable, unavailable, and/or volatile residences that limit what you can do with their money. If what you thought was true about your money, wasn’t true about your money, when would you want to know? I first heard this question from Don Blanton, a fine southern gentleman with a distinct southern Georgia drawl, and I’ve been unable to “unhear” it, since.